Grow - Edition #6
So reading 2 Corinthians 6:1-10 this morning as I Journey through the early church. In verse 3 Paul speaks of how his life is a testimony in itself of His walk with Christ. Then, in verses 4-10, Paul fleshes that out with a list of 9 trials he has dealt with in a God honoring way, followed by 9 inner qualities to possess, followed by 9 paradoxes of the Chrisitan walk.
So as I was reading this, I wrote this in my Bible: I need to be a *faithful* follower of Christ no matter the circumstances. Christianity is not an "if only this" religion; rather, it is a "no matter what" religion.
So where in my life am I using life's circumstances as an excuse to not be faithful to my Father? Where am I asking for "if only this" when I should have the faith and perspective of "no matter what"?
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